Monday, October 15, 2012


Aerosols are fine airborne particles. The main sources of aerosols in the atmosphere would be industrial pollution ( sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, organic carbon, elemental carbon ), wind-blown dust ( mineral dust),  the ocean ( sea salt), and volcanic eruptions ( soot).  Aerosols have a few impacts on the climate changes.  Certain aerosols themselves can reflect or absorb sunlight. Sea salt particles reflect sunlight back out into space. Black carbon particles from burning of wood or fossil fuels absorb most of the sunlight that hits them. Aerosols also help clouds form. The millions of little droplets of water that make up a cloud each need a little particle, like an aerosol, to condense upon. More aerosols can create more clouds. Clouds reflect incoming solar radiation back out to space. Aerosols are also harmful to our health. The most obvious harm to us would be in respiratory problem since they are in the air we breathe every day. This is the main reason we are trying to get rid of aerosol contributing sources. Getting rid of aerosols helps our health, but accelerates the rate of global warming.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


There is ozone found in two areas. One is in the upper regions of the atmosphere and the other area is the ground level. They are both made up of O3, but the ground level is made from chemical reactions of nitrogen (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC). Both of these chemicals mostly come from the burning and evaporation of fossil fuels like gasoline, natural gas, and coal.The ozone in the upper regions of the atmosphere protects us from the harmful rays from the sun, but the ground level ozone is the main reason for smog. The ground level ozone is very harmful to elderly people, young people, and people with respiratory problems. It can also contribute to producing a respiratory problem. The ground level ozone is also harmful to sensitive vegetation and ecosystems, including forests, parks, wildlife refuges and wilderness areas.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Group Evaluation

1. got everything finished
2. everyone contributed in some way
3. no arguing

this was a project that was easy to work together on and we all worked on it greatly. there are no problems.