Thursday, May 2, 2013

NO MORE Mountaintop Removal

1. Destroys Land- all the blasting essential for mountaintop removal obviously destroys tons of land.
2. Pollutes water-coal dust, burning, and runoff from coal mining pollutes waters. water is used super frequently for many reasons.
3. Destroys surrounding homes- coal dust, air pollution , and rocks of a plethora of sizes can destroy surrounding homes of mountaintop removal sites. this greatly reduces the value of the homes even if the owner decides to leave.
4. Pollutes Air- coal dust pollutes air magnificently. people have to breath air to live, so this is a big problem. polluted air causes many respiratory problems.
5. Reduces biodiversity of plants- blasting, air pollution, and water pollution all contribute to the doing away of plants in the surrounding areas of mountaintop removal sites. plants are needed for food and are great for oxygen.
6. Takes away homes for animals- when land is destroyed, shelter for animals are taken away. it isnt super easy for animals to just get up and go, even if they are able to and arent already dead. also some animals can only live in certain areas
7. Health problems from coal dust- many different health problems can be linked to coal dust and other coal related pollutions

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